Date: Saturday, December 7 (MAKEUP DATE)
Time: 12:45p (Check In) 1pm - 3pm (Clinic)
Location: Ultimate Wellness, 15 South Eagle Road, Havertown, PA
**NOTE - This is for overhand throwing mechanics and velocity improvement for position players, but also beneficial to softball pitchers to give them a path to increase softball pitching velocity. There is not instruction on softball pitching mechanics.
Clinic Schedule
9:00am-9:30am - Welcome / Dynamic Warmup
9:30am-11:00am - Tom House Sports Velocity Capacity Test (STAT Test), ArmCare Arm Health Assessment, Throwing Delivery Capture.
Following the Clinic, athletes will receive a 7-page PDF report detailing:
The athletes current functional strength assessment including where they may be deficient or imbalanced.
A throwing mechanics analysis detailing where the athlete may be inefficient in their throwing delivery.
The athletes point in time velocity capacity highlighting how hard their body is capable of throwing with good mechanics and functional strength.
A suggested "Game Plan" on what the athlete needs to do to work on any deficiencies, imbalances or inefficiencies and to maintain arm health - or give insight into why athletes are experiencing arm pain and what to do about it.
Athletes will also receive a subscription to the OnForm application, which is a video analysis tool which will be used to share videos of throwing drills and exercises to fix issues discovered from the testing.
Once reports for all athletes are completed, a Zoom call will be scheduled to review the report and answer any questions.
S.T.A.T. represents the following:
Screening for Weak Links
Testing for Point in Time Capacity
Accessing for Efficiency of Movement, Strength, and Flexibility
Training for Efficient Movement, Muscle Balance, Velocity, and Neuro-Muscular Speed Thresholds
This is a proprietary screening test created by Tom House Sports that is designed to thoroughly screen where your deficiencies in regards to your ability to generate throwing velocity, so that an athlete can hyper-focus on those strength and conditioning exercises and drills needed to throw harder easier and healthier instead of executing a cookie-cutter program that may be creating more imbalance and increasing injury risk to the weaker side.
What we are looking for is a balance between acceleration muscles (front side of body) and the deceleration muscles (back side of body). Why is that important? The body cannot accelerate any more than it is capable of decelerating, so if they are not kept in balance, a rotational athlete will not achieve their highest velocity capabilities. They are also much more susceptible to muscle fatigue, chronic soreness, injury and other rotational deficiencies.
Testing will be a variety of arm speed tests, torso speed tests, and leg balance & strength testing.
From the data we collect, we can identify exactly an athlete’s current and potential velocity capacity. If an athlete is not currently reaching his/her capacity, we can identify and isolate which weak link is contributing to that failure. This testing specifically addresses the functional strength and speed threshold component of velocity capacity.
Clinic Cost: $115 (Regular Price for Assessment is $250)
For questions, email John at ja@japitching.com